Efficiency Revolution is an insulation contractor in Golden, Denver, and surrounding areas of Colorado to help keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.  Missing or inadequate insulation is one of the biggest reasons for energy loss in most homes.  

Are you considering attic insulation removal and replacement? We can remove and replace attic insulation, or add more on top of your existing attic insulation. Why replace your insulation? Your insulation’s effectiveness and indoor air quality can be degraded by water damage, rodent waste, or compaction due to contractors walking through it. If the insulation is more than 10-15 years old, these factors may have taken a toll.  It might be time for an inspection or a home energy audit.

How much attic insulation is needed in Colorado?  Insulation levels are measured as “R values.”  The higher the R value number, the better the insulation level. R 49 to R 60 attic insulation levels (about 16.5 to 20 inches of insulation) are recommended in Colorado. In most areas, R 49 is the standard required by code, and that will be changing to R 60 in some areas.

Attic Insulation Benefits
Attic insulation offers a multitude of benefits for homeowners. Firstly, it significantly lowers energy bills by regulating indoor temperatures, reducing reliance on heating and cooling systems. This not only saves money but also enhances comfort by eliminating drafts and cold spots throughout the home.

Attic insulation contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing energy consumption, thereby decreasing carbon emissions and promoting a healthier planet.

Another advantage is noise reduction. Attic insulation acts as a barrier against outside noise, creating a quieter indoor environment for residents.

Additionally, proper attic insulation helps prevent moisture damage by maintaining consistent temperatures and preventing condensation. This reduces the risk of mold and mildew growth, as well as damage to wooden structures and stored belongings.

Attic insulation can increase the resale value of a home. Energy-efficient features, such as a well-insulated attic, are attractive to potential buyers and can result in a higher selling price.

Fiberglass vs Cellulose insulation

Blown fiberglass insulation is by far the most common attic insulation type  for a lot of reasons.  Why is fiberglass insulation better than cellulose insulation?  Fiberglass is less dusty than cellulose, there are fewer chemical additives, fiberglass doesn’t smolder if exposed to a heat source like your furnace or water heater exhaust pipe (aka flue), and it won’t compress your existing insulation, unlike cellulose insulation.  Cellulose insulation is very dense (heavy), so if cellulose is added on top of fiberglass, we have to add a lot more to account for compression of the existing insulation and settling.  This is a waste of resources and money. Fiberglass insulation does not settle after application, while cellulose typically settles 2-4 inches within just a year.   Why would you want cellulose when its performance decreases over time? Cellulose insulation also has chemical additives, typically borate salts and / or ammonium sulfate, which irritate the eyes and skin of people who come into contact with it. This makes it unpleasant to work with. Older fiberglass products made skin “itchy,” but newer formulations have improved to the point where this effect is hardly noticeable. Additionally, if someone needs to work on electrical boxes under the insulation in the future, it is more difficult to move cellulose out of the way because it is so finely chopped, it’s almost like a fine powder, which releases lots of dust every time it’s moved.

Finally, because cellulose is so heavy, there is a greater chance of your ceiling developing cracks or collapsing, especially if the drywall wasn’t installed with enough screws or nails. The density of blown cellulose is about 1.8 pounds per square foot at R 49, which is 180 pounds in a 10 x 10 ft area. Compare this with fiberglass insulation, which is only 0.7 pounds per square foot at R 49, or 70 pounds in a 10 x 10 area. If you have a roof leak, cellulose will absorb more than its own weight in water, dramatically increasing the chances of a ceiling collapse. Fiberglass doesn’t absorb nearly as much water.

In addition to improving comfort, adding more insulation to your Colorado home will help lower heating and cooling bills and improve your home’s resale value.

Call us today at (303) 868-6653  to learn more or schedule an appointment.